Friday, 29 May 2015

Three Drinks that can Reduce Cellulite

If you want to get rid of your cellulite quickly and efficiently, you’ll have to make a few major lifestyle changes. One of those is starting a healthy diet. If you’re looking for something to wash down your low-fat meals, here are a few drinks that have been proven to reduce cellulite.

Lemon Juice and Cayenne Pepper

This mixture is good for removing toxins from your body and reducing cellulite. To make this drink, mix eight ounces of lemon juice and one to two tablespoons of cayenne pepper. Drink this three times a day, and watch your cellulite disappear.

Herbal and Green Tea

Both herbal tea and green tea will speed up your metabolism, helping you lose weight faster. Green tea also contains a variety of antioxidants that can prevent free radical damage on your skin. One of the best herbal teas for reducing cellulite is dandelion tea. This tea reduces fluid retention and helps flush toxins from the body.

Fresh Fruit Juice

Homemade fruit juice provides the enzymes and nutrients needed to reduce cellulite. For a great cellulite reducer, combine two grapefruits, two to three carrots, and an inch thick slice of watermelon. Mix these together in a blender or juicer, and drink them on an empty stomach.  If you don’t like grapefruit or watermelon, there are many other cellulite-fighting fruits and vegetables that you can juice. This includes oranges, beetroots, apples, lemon, and ginger. You can mix-and-match ingredients until you find a juice that you love.

While these drinks are effective at removing a good portion of your cellulite, to get rid of all your cellulite you should exercise and use caffeine cream. Caffeine cream will increase your blood circulation and break up the fat cells that cause cellulite. Combining exercise and caffeine cream with your cellulite-reducing drinks will produce great results.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Easy Cellulite Home Remedies

Tired of letting your cellulite get in the way of your summer fashion? Join 90% of women who suffer from the same problem. Cellulite is fat that creates a dimpled appearance on the skin. It is the location of cellulite that causes this to happen: because the fat is so close to the surface of the skin, it presses against the connective tissue, causing the skin to pucker. Unfortunately, cellulite is also very difficult to get rid of. Either way, you will need to exercise and eat a proper cellulite diet to see lasting results. Some simple home remedies, can put you on the right path to be cellulite-free.

1. Caffeine Scrub: Caffeine is very good for cellulite because it dehydrates the skin. This releases excess moisture and causes the skin to tighten, which in turn makes the surface of the skin smoother. Turn this into an exfoliating scrub to shed off dead skin cells and you should be able to see a difference within one month. It is easy to make your own caffeine coffee scrub at home using only coffee, brown sugar, and a small amount of coconut oil. Mix 2 parts coffee with 1 part brown sugar and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Microwave the mixture until the coconut oil is melted, then mix it together. Once it is cool, use the scrub on cellulite-ridden areas.

2. Relaxation: Relaxation is such an important part of your health that no one takes seriously. When you are stressed, it actually does wear down on your body. This can lead to increased aging, breakouts, and even higher levels of cellulite. So take some time for yourself and de-stress with a nice cup of green tea. Green tea calms the nerves and may even decrease fat production on the body.