Friday, 19 December 2014

Essential Oils for Cellulite Reduction

Essential oils for cellulite reduction can help men and women decrease the appearance of cellulite on their thighs, stomach, and buttocks. This is not a magic cure, but one that really works. Using essential oils to battle even the most extreme cellulite cases can help women get their legs back the way they want and stop walking around with dimpled skin. 

Extreme Cellulite

Cellulite is extreme no matter where it is located on the body. It is very hard to get rid of as the fat cells are lodged between connective tissue and the skin. So what people need to look for are essential oils that work with the tissues in helping to destroy the fat cells. 

Juniper Berry 
Geranium Oil 
Carrot seed

Juniper Berry has diuretic action. Lemon and grapefruit are good for a boost to the lymphatic system. Geranium Oil can be used for cellulite that is believed to be a result of a hormonal imbalance. 

Cellulite Treatment

Eliminating Cellulite

It is every woman’s wish that she can eliminate the cellulite on her thighs, stomach, and buttocks. But a simply wish just won’t cut it. There have to be major changes to diet, lifestyle, and exercise. This means eating better, drinking less, and exercising more. 

Coffee Wrap

A Coffee wrap is one way to eliminate Cellulite. That is because caffeine when applied topically works as a fat cell buster. Here is how a coffee wrap works:

Warm up used coffee grounds in a microwave
Make sure the grounds are hot but not too hot that they burn the skin
Rub the grounds on the affected skin, for example the thigh 
Then leave the grounds in place as you wrap them up with a saran wrap
Leave for ten to 15 minutes
Remove and Rinse

This isn’t an automatic cure for cellulite but it does help improve circulation and moving the fat cells trapped under the skin around. 

With these tips and essential oils for cellulite reduction, people can have the body they want and to show it off as they please. 

Friday, 12 December 2014

Cellulite Home Remedies – Effective Way to Control it

Cellulite is a pesky skin condition but that does not mean it has to stay that way. Just by working out, using coffee grounds and caffeine, and eating a healthier diet, you can decrease the appearance of cellulite in just a few short weeks. Here are some home remedies for Cellulite.

CelluliteExercise Often

Exercising often is a good way to get into shape and decrease the number of fat cells. This means decreasing the number of fat cells that are trapped underneath the skin causing cellulite. This orange peel appearance does not have to last forever with a good workout regimen of yoga, running, pilates, or other at-home exercises. 

Topical Caffeine

One home remedy is doing a simple coffee wrap. All that is needed are used coffee grounds, a microwave, and some saran wrap. After warming up the grounds in the microwave (caution: they should not be too hot to the touch. After all, it is going on your skin) rub a layer of grounds on the thighs, buttocks, or stomach. Then take the saran wrap and wrap it down, leaving it for at least 15 minutes. This is a quick solution to Cellulite.

Caffeine blocks the growth of fat cells.  This is important to know in case a person wants to buy a certain skin cream to help them with cellulite. They should look for caffeine as a major ingredient. When applied topically caffeine will negatively inhibit the growth of fat cells that are trapped underneath the skin.

Eat Better

Eating better foods will not only give a person more energy, but help their body fight off negative aspects such as fat cells. While the body does need some fat cells to store potential energy, the body can be toned by trimming down the size of the plate. Eating more vegetables and fruits will help burn off cellulite and decrease the appearance of the unsightly skin condition.