Friday, 28 November 2014

Try a Coffee Wrap to Wrap Up Cellulite

Cellulite is an unsightly skin condition that can be reversed just by using caffeine. Now that does not mean that drinking cup after cup of coffee is going to get rid of cellulite on the thighs, stomach, and buttocks. Instead it has to be a topical application. The two most common uses of caffeine against cellulite is by using a cellulite cream and using an at-home remedy - a coffee wrap. 

Coffee Wrap
Coffee Wrap

A coffee wrap is a simple solution to the Cellulite problem. All it takes is some used coffee grounds and some saran wrap. Here’s how it works:

  1. Take some used coffee grounds and warm them up either on the stove or in             the microwave. Do not let the temperature exceed that which is comfortable           to the touch. 
  2. Rub the coffee grounds on the troubled area be it the stomach, buttocks, or             thigh. 
  3. Use the saran wrap to hold the grounds in place.
  4. Let it rest for at least 15 minutes. 
  5. Unwrap and clean it off. Noticing how soft the skin feels. 

This coffee wrap solution can be done two to three times a week without causing too much skin irritation. In fact, the more caffeine the skin receives, the better. It blocks the growth of fat cells but also moisturizes the skin. This decreases the appearance of cellulite giving more men and women confidence in their swim suits. 


Caffeine is an important ingredient in any cream for the skin because it breaks down the growth of fat cells. This is what helps creams diminish the appearance of cellulite. It may take a few weeks but the results will be worth the wait. That’s another thing people should keep in mind, the results. It is not going to be overnight. But it will happen. 

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Seasons and Cellulite

As cooler weather approaches, many people are thankful that they can wear more clothing to conceal their cellulite.  But we all know that warmer weather is not that far away, and the cellulite will still be there unless action is taken.

Can the seasons have an impact on cellulite? Many adults go through some degree of body change as the seasons change.  During spring some may drop some weight and in the summer even more weight as people are more active.  When autumn and winter come some people may add some weight as their bodies “prepare for cold weather” or because of holidays and less physical activity.

Your skin can change with the weather also.  Skin can become drier or it can have less elasticity and appear to sag more. 

How Cellulite  Affects a victim across seasons

Cellulite thrives on all of these factors.  Adding or losing weight combined with negative factors on skin can help cellulite to become even more prevalent. 

Prepare your body for the season changes and reduce cellulite by taking the proper precautions:

  •  Eat healthier and drink plenty of water – work on a reasonable diet that balances your nutrition and helps to hydrate your body including your skin
  • Exercise – even in colder weather you should continue some form of exercise regimen.  By keeping your muscles toned and minimizing fat storage you can help to reduce cellulite
  • Care for your skin – keep your skin clean and avoid harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures if at all possible.  Heating systems can dry your skin even more, so it is crucial to keep your skin healthy
  • Cellulite treatment – find a cellulite treatment that is effective in fighting cellulite on the surface of the skin as well as beneath the skin.  The treatment should include moisturizers as well as active ingredients like caffeine to help stimulate cells and break away cellulite

Not all cellulite treatments are the same.  Look for products that are clinically proven to be effective and are dermatologist tested to be safe for your skin type.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Choosing the Right Cellulite Cream Containing the Right Ingredients

Choosing the right cellulite cream can be hard with so many creams on the market. However, once a woman or man knows what to look for the process becomes quite easy and the results occur much faster. Doing research before a purchase is very important to ensure the best cellulite cream is being bought. 

Research Creams

Before buying or using a cellulite cream it is important to do the research first. That means look into the company, see what the cream is promising, and see if anyone else you know has used it. Looking at customer reviews is a great way to see how others have responded to the cream and how they have put it to use. 

Anti Cellulite Cream
Cream Ingredients

While researching the main thing to look at are the ingredients. Are they natural? Are they words you cannot pronounce? These things matter. But one of the biggest things for an Anti Cellulite Cream is caffeine. Women and men need a cellulite cream that contains Caffeine because caffeine blocks the growth of fat cells. And since cellulite is simply a collection of fat cells it only makes sense that caffeine will work. 

Wait for Results

Don’t let results discourage or sway you away from using the cream. It is going to take some time but there will be a serious reduction in cellulite. By reducing the appearance of cellulite men and women can do the things they enjoy doing such as wearing shorts and going to the beach. When reading the customer testimonials see how long on average it takes for them to notice results. This will set a bar about when results should be seen. If it takes longer you may want to contact the company and ask their opinion on whether or not it is the right cellulite cream.